Wild For Scotland Podcast

Tuesday 10 October 2023


title picture with text Episode 52 Salt of the Earth Eden Saltmarsh in St Andrews
Salt of the Earth Podcast

At the end of August we were visited by Kathi from Wild For Scotland, who was interested in learning more about Saltmarsh, what we do at Green Shores and why we are trying to restore some of Scotland’s saltmarsh habitat.

Selfie of Kathi and Helena on the Eden Saltmarsh

We enjoyed introducing Kathi to the saltmarsh, a habitat that she had not had reason to consider previously, and showing her round the Plant Hub, where all the plant propagation happens.

person wearing headphones setting up a recoding device.
setting up to record.

The podcast we feature in “Salt of the Earth” is available on the Wild For Scotland page, why not have a listen?

Two people talking, holding microphones

