The Green Shores team was delighted to be invited to come to Aberlady Nature Reserve and share some information about saltmarshes and work we are doing on saltmarsh restoration with the Deluge project walk-shop.
Deluge is a collaboration between three artists and three saltmarsh sites, more information about the Deluge project can be found here: Deluge – Art Walk Projects (
The raised board walk gave a great view out over the saltmarsh at Aberlady Nature Reserve. A deer was spotted leaping over the saltmarsh and dropping to the Peffer burn for a drink (not in the photo).
The saltmarshes are extensive and were home to lots of geese on the day we were there, as well as grasses, flowers and samphire.
After the talks and walk the participants were invited to share their impressions on a piece of fabric, which will be incorporated into the Deluge project.
It’s always great to meet new people and share knowledge about the importance of saltmarshes. Hopefully we can continue to collaborate with the Deluge artists.
The event took place at Aberlady Nature Reserve on the 8th September 2023.
Text and photos by Helena Simmons.